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Relationships Mia Sutton Relationships Mia Sutton

A Friendship Through Letters

We wrote letters for years, regularly in our early to mid teens and then less so as we got older. At 18 I moved to university and then on to varying towns and cities and though our letters became less regular the foundation had been laid.

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Family Mia Sutton Family Mia Sutton

When Motherhood Begins With Multiples

A stranger at the store or the doctor’s office squealing, “Oh twins! I’ve always wanted twins” as I fail to muster up similar enthusiasm. The feeling of exhausted dismay, as I remembered the admonition to “sleep when the baby sleeps”, but what do you do when there are two of them and one of them is always awake?

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Family Mia Sutton Family Mia Sutton

My Kids Made Me Braver

My kids have shown me how the right outlook and a little encouragement can achieve all manner of things someone more closed off might deem impossible.

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Self Love Mia Sutton Self Love Mia Sutton

Being Comfortable in My Own Skin

I fell in love with a man who has always been comfortable being himself. I think that’s one of the reasons I fell in love with him so quickly. I, on the other hand, haven’t always been able to say the same about myself. I think back to the “old” me who would change her clothes and sometimes even her personality for someone else.

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Mental Health Mia Sutton Mental Health Mia Sutton

Healing While Pregnant is Possible

Becoming a mother helped me to become more whole. It helped my broken parts find homes while walking through fire. Fire, the creator of life, ushered my son into this world, but it also formed his mother. My walk through pregnancy was not an easy walk, as it is not for many.

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Self Love Mia Sutton Self Love Mia Sutton

Taking Care of My Students With Love

It was a Friday, and we were told to use the afternoon to prepare our lessons digitally for the next two weeks and to get what we needed out of our classrooms. At that point, there was no timeline for our return. All that any of us knew was that we didn’t know.

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Family Mia Sutton Family Mia Sutton

Help! I'm an Introvert and My Children Aren't!

2 of my 3 children are extroverts. They love being social, they love being around other people, and my son could talk the ears off a field of corn. Don’t get me wrong, I love them with every fiber of my being. I just don’t want to be around them sometimes.

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Medical Mia Sutton Medical Mia Sutton

Making Space for My Anger

I'm angry that all it took was one little pill to make my life more manageable but it took seven years to find it. I'm angry that some of my issues have never been diagnosed and are untreated to this day. I am angry that every movement I make toward becoming more active again, results in a set back.

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Mental Health Mia Sutton Mental Health Mia Sutton

I've Never Met My Therapist

For over a year, I have been working with a therapist whom I have never met. Over fifty hours spent divulging to her my innermost secrets and fears, revealing so much of the rawness of who I am, and I have yet to sit in her company.

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Race in America Mia Sutton Race in America Mia Sutton

I Am a Mixed Race Woman

Growing up as a mixed-race child in 80s London, the narrative that black was bad seeped into the pores of my brown skin. The racism I experienced was rarely overt, that is not the British way, but it was a regular and insistent knocking against my young identity.

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Self Love Mia Sutton Self Love Mia Sutton

Stepping Out of My Comfort Zone

“I have to do what?” Standing in the doorway, wind and altitude doing nothing to help my nerves. They say I’m prepared, that I’ll be okay, that I know how to pull the ‘chute string. I wanted this. But I’m scared. Since when is stepping in harder than stepping out?

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