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Family Mia Sutton Family Mia Sutton

There Are No Perfect Families

There are no perfect families. There’s always something, right? That one weird relative who just doesn’t fit in, that other family member who always tries to stir the pot, and a host of underlying disagreements, disappointments, and betrayals—major and minor.

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Family Mia Sutton Family Mia Sutton

I Don't Want Kids

I wish I had this perfectly perfect answer as to why I don't want children. But then again, sometimes I wish it wasn't a question that had to be answered all the time.

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Family Mia Sutton Family Mia Sutton

My Definition of Family

I have learned that what family looks like or who is part of it changes as we change. People who were once close to me became part of the scenery or even distant memories. While initially challenging, these comings and goings eventually became a comfort.

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