Resources to Educate Yourself on Race in America

Editor’s Note: Here at Kindred we have vowed to share stories from women of all ages, races, religions, sexual orientations, and so on. But with the current climate of race in America, we thought it extremely important to share stories from black women in order to better see what life looks like for these women, men, and children day in and day out. Over the next few weeks you’ll find several stories showcasing what it feels like to be a black woman, or have black children, in this country.

And because we want to become a better ally, today we are sharing with you a list of resources compiled by our friend Kris Ferguson to assist in educating those of us privileged enough to not be marginalized because of our skin color. If you have any other resources to add to this list, please let us know in the comments.

About the Author:

Kristin Ferguson is a 7th/8th grade history teacher in Oakland, CA.


The Terrifying Truth of Raising a Black Son


These Days We're Taking It Slow