The Kindred Voice is no longer active. If you’d like to continue reading honest, vulnerable stories, please follow Sarah Hartley, former Editor in Chief of The Kindred Voice, in her free newsletter, Human Feelings.

Race in America Mia Sutton Race in America Mia Sutton

I Am a Mixed Race Woman

Growing up as a mixed-race child in 80s London, the narrative that black was bad seeped into the pores of my brown skin. The racism I experienced was rarely overt, that is not the British way, but it was a regular and insistent knocking against my young identity.

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Race in America Sarah Hartley Race in America Sarah Hartley

Resources to Educate Yourself on Race in America

Here at Kindred we have vowed to share stories from women of all ages, races, religions, sexual orientations, and so on. But with the current climate of race in America, we thought it extremely important to share stories from women of color in order to better see what life looks like for these women day in and day out. Over the next few weeks you’ll find several stories showcasing what it feels like to be a person of color, or a marginalized minority, in this country.

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