Women Sharing Honestly About Trust

Trust, insecurity, and loyalty are all tied up in this big complicated mess. But what I've learned also is that forgiveness, empathy, and grace need to be a part of that equation, too. We've all broken a trust (or had our trust broken by someone else) at some point in our lives - whether due to immaturity, anger, desperation, or even just circumstances out of our control. We're all human. But what matters most is how we treat each other.

Trust is a gift. It’s having an open mind and open hands and an open heart. It’s also hard to find in this world we’re living in now, but I hope you feel it somehow and that’s why it felt like a great topic to address inside Illuminate, our writing community. We asked our Illuminate members to write about trust this month, and below you’ll find a roundup of their take on this subject. We hope you’ll visit each post and maybe even meet your new favorite writer.

Trust is Hard to Come By by Mia Sutton

Trust is hard to come by.
Suspicions run high.
People have more than one face.
Their masks are often out of place.
What if I do open up
And then they drain my cup?

My Superhero in the Sky by Sarah Hartley

He squeals in delight
Arms pushing out
Looks down at me
A grin across his chubby toddler face

My superhero in the sky

the journal. by Eunice Brownlee

I’m not sure how I knew something was wrong. Woman’s intuition, I guess. We had a ritual, a routine. He would call me at work on his way to work, then I would call him when I left work on my way home. Because of our opposite schedules, we barely got to see each other, so this was our time to have our conversations. Not those big, deep conversations, but the daily ones. The married conversations.

Pattern Making in Parenting by Laci Hoyt

When we're born into the world we don't know how to do life but here we are and we just begin with the very first thing: breath. And then we just keep going forward from there. Learning as we go. There is always something new to learn. We'll never reach the point where we know it all. And just like with sewing, when we make mistakes or have awful things happen, we have to pick it all apart and then stitch our life back together. Iron out those wrinkles. Stitch those lessons into permanency.

In How We Trust by Liz Russell

Could I boil down my trust for someone into one simple yes or no question?

I remember when I learned how complicated trust is. It was well before boyfriends were on my radar, probably around the age of five. I can’t remember all the details, but I know it was early because it sits in the furthest chambers of my memory – an early, transformative moment.

Challenging the Relationship between Trust and Fear by Christi Hurelle

When prompted with the subject of trust this month in my women’s writing group, I found myself wondering how fear and trust are related. How the two are intertwined, yet at odds with each other. Turns out after a quick Google search, that many agree: trust and fear are inversely proportional. So, the more fear I have, the less trust I have. And the more trust I have, the less fear I have.

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