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Mental Health, Self Love, Body Image Sarah Hartley Mental Health, Self Love, Body Image Sarah Hartley

Body Metamorphosis: A Tool to Personal Transformation

The opportunity for change, whether in body or mind, is not always apparent. For me, this lesson begins with a classic story involving New Year’s Eve, a group of friends, and an unbelievable diet and workout plan. New Year’s Resolutions have never been something I have emphasized in my life. Work out goals and their results have never stuck around for me. After being disillusioned with the many diets and workout plans I had already attempted, I was ready to let go and dive in without expectation (as if it would be that simple). My physical transformation would catalyze a deeper journey of self-discovery.

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Mental Health, Self Love, Body Image, Family Sarah Hartley Mental Health, Self Love, Body Image, Family Sarah Hartley

Raising Strong Women

I realized that strong women aren’t born. They are made. But when I think of what it takes to have the kind of tenacity and resilience that makes us strong, I think of overcoming failure, heartbreak, and trauma. All of my favorite women of history have their moments where they overcame adversity to find their strength. It’s the classic hero storyline.

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Body Image Sarah Hartley Body Image Sarah Hartley

What an Eating Disorder Really Looks Like

What do you think when you read the word “anorexia”? High fashion models? Crazy teenage girls? Another diet? Or the latest Lily Collins movie? How about a ten-year-old girl that ended up with a lifelong journey for recovery? Eating disorders are considered addictions, but unlike the addict, who can abstain from the substance, I can’t. I must face both my fear and my “drug” every 2-5 hours, every day.

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Body Image, Self Love, Mental Health Sarah Hartley Body Image, Self Love, Mental Health Sarah Hartley

Life of a Former Beauty Queen

I have a confession to make. I’m a has-been “beauty queen”. I never considered myself one, though. After all, beauty queens are tall with flawless skin, legs a mile long, gigantic smiles, and perfect speaking skills. I always felt like I had none of those attributes. I’ve even had people act surprised when they find out that I competed in pageants. 

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Family, Body Image, Self Love Sarah Hartley Family, Body Image, Self Love Sarah Hartley

Maternal Instinct: So Now You're Someone's Mother

At the end of my pregnancy, it felt like I was going to be pregnant forever. All I wanted was to have this baby, then you have her and she’s here, and you realize you’ve got her and more importantly she's got you for the rest of your lives. Whoa. It's so real you can't really wrap your head around it and for a second you start freaking out… then you change a diaper. Then you feel your milk let down. Then she makes eye contact and she smiles at you. Then your heart grows three times its size and your baby fits right in there.

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Body Image, Medical, Mental Health, Self Love Sarah Hartley Body Image, Medical, Mental Health, Self Love Sarah Hartley

My Relationship to The Semicolon Project

Amy Bleuel founded Project Semicolon in 2013 to honor her father who died of suicide 10 years earlier. About the symbol, she wrote: ‘A semi-colon represents a sentence the author could have ended, but chose not to. The author is you and the sentence is your life.’ Project Semicolon's tagline - "Your story is not over" - gives hope and inspiration to countless people.

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Body Image, Medical, Mental Health Sarah Hartley Body Image, Medical, Mental Health Sarah Hartley

Body Image: a Different Numbers Game

Almost seven years ago, I was told that the cruel way I treated my body was going to eventually kill me if I kept counting calories and restricting my intake at the rate I had been pushing myself. The day my doctor said to me if I were to continue to do these things to myself, I would not live to see my twenties was the day I decided to defy all odds. 

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